We offer prompt and complete in-house coordination, diagnosis and treatment of work related injuries. Our physicians are trained and committed to working closely with the patient, case manager and our staff to maximize medical improvement in minimal time with appropriately modified duty for progressive and safe return to the workplace.
Our Workers' Compensation services offer a comprehensive program with the following core competencies, designed to help the injured worker quickly reach maximum medical improvement (MMI):
Montgomery Orthopaedics has a staff member solely dedicated to the coordination of treatment for the injured worker and dissemination of documentation to all stakeholders.
Our Workers' Compensation Coordinator, provides constant communication and coordination of care with Nurse Case Managers and Claims Adjusters.
She keeps the appropriate and interested parties apprised of the patient’s treatment plan, progress and status.
Please call:
Stella Rojas
Work related injury coordinator
301-949-8100 ext. 1014