Our management team is available to you to provide prompt coordination of care and respond to any questions or concerns. We pride ourselves on a reputation for excellent customer sevice.
Efrain Hernandez: 301-949-8100 ext. 1010
Janice Bower: 301-949-8100 ext. 1011 or 240-833-0740
Karin Snow: 301-949-8100 ext. 1020 or 301-850-1730
301-949-8100 ext. 1023
Clover Channer: 301-949-8100 ext. 1002
Emely Linares: 301-949-8100 ext. 1008 or 240-800-0019
Stella Rojas: 301-949-8100 ext. 1014 or 301-755-9462